If you think of your thoughts as your tools or implements, you may find it’s time to start cleaning out your toolbox. When you get rid of your negative and other unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary feelings such as worry and anxiety and various types of physical symptoms such as e.g. unnecessary tension, i.e. everything that the negative and other unnecessary thoughts arouse.

The only active effort you usually need to make to get rid of the unnecessary thoughts is to observe them as they appear. You look at them without analyzing, categorizing or judging them. Of course, there is nothing wrong with analyzing. The problem is that most of us do it too much and we do it in contexts where it does not lead us further.

When you relate to your thoughts in this way, you leave it to your inner part, your so-called subconscious, to decide which thoughts are unnecessary and which you need to keep, and maybe even highlight, in order to feel and function well.

Now you might be thinking: Am I not burdened with just one more thought if I constantly have to remind myself to be an observer? It is only natural that you may experience it that way in the beginning. But as we pointed out in a previous article on observation training, even observing eventually becomes a habit, i.e. the inner part, your subconscious, gradually takes over the job and ensures that you are automatically an observer. In addition, the number of tanks gradually decreases as more and more of the unnecessary ones are cleared away.

To get into a lighter hypnotic state, it is usually enough to observe that you think when you think, i.e. observe the thoughts that spontaneously appear regardless of what kind of thoughts they are. You adopt a more relaxed attitude towards all your thoughts, i.e. even the negative ones. If you don’t take a stand either for or against, but stay completely neutral towards them, you don’t let them get under your skin. If you take a stand on what they claim, they will be confirmed and that will strengthen them.

Instead of taking a stand, you let your inner part do it for you. You will notice that this approach leads you to “starve” your negative and other unnecessary thoughts that previously lived on letting them scare you. Now when you no longer let them “enter you” but view them from a distance, they are weakened by your inner part deeming them unnecessary. Eventually they disappear completely. The more thoughts you manage to relate to in this relaxed, detached way, the faster they disappear.

Actually, the unnecessary thoughts are not only unnecessary as they prevent you from thinking positive thoughts or from experiencing the positive, beneficial and calming freedom of thought that results from emptying your head of unnecessary thoughts, which is sometimes the same as all thoughts in moments as you don’t have to think at all.

If you find that some of the unnecessary thoughts do not want to go away when you observe them, you need to speak directly to them. You then kindly but firmly clarify that you do not wish to enter into a further dialogue with them. Basically they want you well, they want to protect you by warning you. But if your thoughts e.g. saying that everything will go wrong, they make it difficult for you. Then you can suggest to them:

“I understand that you really only wish me well by warning me of upcoming dangers. But you don’t need to anticipate accidents. No one can know in advance how things will turn out in the future. In such cases, you can only speculate. Maybe you, my thoughts, will be right in what you fear. Maybe you will be wrong. The living will see. Since you can’t know, I choose not to paint the devil on the wall.”

Little by little, you can create slimmed-down versions with essentially the same content as e.g.
“I understand your concern but let’s hope it goes well”. Then you can lose weight further, e.g. to: “We are betting that everything will work out”.

You can come up with your own variations where you reassuringly make it clear to your thoughts that the future can only exist in our thoughts and that we therefore know nothing for certain about it. The important thing is that through what you say to the thoughts you create an experience that you understand what they do not understand, namely that you cannot possibly know what they claim to know.

From this reasoning, one can easily get the impression that thoughts are like people with their own will and their own opinions. When the thoughts we thought before are automated and appear by themselves and assert things, they can take on human form. You can speak to them as if they were human beings, but when you do, it is important that you understand that you are doing this for purely “pedagogical” reasons.
All the time, it is you who creates your thoughts and acts through them. You use them as tools and as a sounding board with which you can talk to yourself. You can say that you talk to yourself with the help of or via your thoughts. However, it is most effective not to think that you are talking to yourself but always to your thoughts.

In summary, it is therefore important for you to observe your thoughts in the first place. If this is not enough to get rid of the negative and other unnecessary thoughts, talk to them directly. But a prerequisite for you to succeed in getting rid of them is that you speak and behave with authority, friendly but firm. You make it clear to them that you do not consider it constructive to claim something you cannot know.

You automatically speak and act with authority when, through observational training, you have entered what you can experience as your innermost core. When you start from here, you feel the primordial power that is inside you, which originates here. Therefore, you can now speak and act with authority and conviction. You can show yourself and your thoughts that you are above them as you are the one who created them. You can then get rid of the ones you don’t want or you can change them or create new ones.

You may have previously experienced that the thoughts controlled you, that they were aggressive or moved towards you to try to influence you. But now you feel instead that it is you who is heading towards them with the power that you now possess. As you know, attack is the best defense. Therefore, it will be as you want. If you tell them you want them to behave a certain way, they will. Then you have achieved what we can call mind control.

In relation to your thoughts, you have really always been an authority. You are and have been their boss. You always will be. But in order for you to feel and function well, you also need to experience that it is so.

Starting from your core, you can then, as the authority you now feel you are, give yourself positive suggestions, i.e. plant constructive thoughts in your inner part, your so-called subconscious, to influence your own behavior.

The “cleaner” you have become inside from unnecessary thoughts through your observation training, the deeper in yourself you now have your starting point and the deeper you have your starting point, the stronger your inner part and through it also your body reacts to what you suggest (suggestion). The more you clear away your unnecessary thoughts, the more aware you also become of how you affect your body through what you think. A thought, feeling or sensation of any kind always has its counterpart in a bodily reaction.

1 Observation training – the first step on the way inward

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